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History of Krakow

Early middleages
966 - 1370
Krakow is capital of Poland

The Golden Age
1386 - 1572
the times of the Renaissance

Electing Kings and Dividing the country
1572 - 1795
Poland disappears from the map

K&K Monarchy
1795 - 1918
The Habsburg's Reich third largest city

First and Second World War
1914 - 1945
A short period of democray,
then the terror of the Nazis

1945 - 1989
Years of stagnation before the final upheaval

After the Iron Curtain
1989 until today
Difficulties with a new economy


"Communist rule fits Poland like a saddle a mule" Stalin alledgedly said. And probably - true - the Polish workers' movement Solidarnosc was responsible for the end of Sowjet rule over eastern Europe.

From the side of the Russian communist, Krakow had to take the blame of being bourgois and decadent, and what is more, faithfully religious. As a proletarian adversary, Stalin had a gigantic steel plant erected, only 10 miles west of Krakow, after the population of Krakow had dared to vote against the socialists at the occacion of a an election. Still today, the atmospheric emissions of the plant cost damage to the city's buildings.

However, Krakovians remain opponents of the socialist regime. The catholic church becomes a stronghold against the dictatorship of the Sowjets. The bishop of Krakow, Karel Wojtila, who a few years later is elected pope, has close ties with the opposition. When the new pope after his inauguration in 1979 visits Poland, more than a million people gather near Krakow. "Don't be afraid!", the pope calls out to the masses.

What follows is a massive wave of protests and strikes. Solidarnosc comes into being. In May 1988 the Polish government takes to arms to stiffle a workers's riot in Nowa Huta. But the military government has to compromise. In1989 the first free elections are held, won by Solidarnosc. This meant that socialism had ended..

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